24/7 service
010 31 88 88
24/7 card service phone number
010 31 88 99
24/7 service phone number for American Express cards
010 31 99 99
acba digital
The highest mountain organic vineyard in the world has been founded in Armenia (Video)
The highest mountain organic vineyard in the world has been founded in Armenia (Video)
Winemaking advances to the mountains: at an altitude of 2080 meters above the sea level, next to Smbataberd and Tsaghats Kar, is the organic vineyard of Maran company. The Company has founded the highest vineyard in the organic world with the philosophy of preserving and balancing biodiversity.
You can buy shares of Acba bank from the Armenian Securities Exchange
You can buy shares of Acba bank from the Armenian Securities Exchange
Now, citizens and the business world can purchase Acba bank’s listed shares: in 2021 the bank had carried out a public placement of 500 000 shares with the total volume of AMD 7.5 billion.
Acba bank’s shares were listed
Acba bank’s shares were listed
Acba bank’s shares were listed in the Armenian Securities Exchange.
Starting from today, resident an non-resident individuals and legal entities will have the opportunity to purchase Acba bank’s listed shares.
Acba bank’s shares will be listed
Acba bank’s shares will be listed
Acba bank is summing up 2021. Last year the bank publicly placed 500 000 shares in Armenia with the total volume of AMB 7.5 billion. These shares will soon be listed in the Armenian Securities Exchange, giving an opportunity to any individual or company to purchase and sell the bank’s shares.
Acba Bank Brings Apple Pay to Customers
Acba Bank Brings Apple Pay to Customers
A safer, more secure and private way to pay with iPhone and Apple Watch.
Organic Agriculture Development  2022-2023  free program launches
Organic Agriculture Development 2022-2023 free program launches
Acba bank has launched the Organic Agriculture Development 2022-2023 free program in cooperation with Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU).
More than AMD 239 million support to the Insurance Foundation of Servicemen
More than AMD 239 million support to the Insurance Foundation of Servicemen
Still in October, 2020, Acba Bank launched a unique program directing 0.3% of each purchase made via the Mastercard, Visa, ArCa and AmEx cards issued by the bank to the Insurance Foundation of Servicemen at the expense of its profit.
In case of any discrepancies in the information contained in the Site, as well as inaccurate texts in a foreign language, please be guided by the Armenian version. 01.07.2024 16:36
Acba bank is supervised by the CBA.
82-84 Aram Street, Yerevan, Armenia
E-mail: acba@acba.am